Friday, June 24, 2011

A life in the day of...

SO much is happening to our little world right now! It is as if everything one believes to be happening IS indeed happening. How can this be? Is it really true that one can create a reality by just thinking about it? Can our thoughts really be as powerfull as a wrecking ball or as beautifully creative as a butterfly? These and many other questions have been floating in my mind for many years now. SO I search, I look here and I look there to find answers to life's unanswerable questions. Sometimes they don't just float around up there in my mind, they race! With a ferocity they race, trying so desperately to find some thread of truth to hold on to. Just as I think that all is lost and my thoughts have taken over my mind, a little nudge in the right direction is given. Today that nudge is Ayurveda.

People like balance, they enjoy things that are symmetrical, whether it be the structure of a sentence, or a painting by an currently obscure artist. We all enjoy a little balance in our lives. We seek it! Oh we seek it in all that we do, we shop for food to make it through the week....balance, buy enough food to last a week. If we misjudge that balance then we find ourselves running to the grocery store for a gallon of milk, inevitably throwing out of whack everything else we had planned.

I need things put simply like this for me or it tends to wash over me in a tidal wave of big words and complex ideas that in the moment sound tantalizing to the senses and make my brain do funny things and I FEEL like I am learning something....but days down the road I will have forgotten all about that backflip my brain did when I was reading about Ocimum tenuiflorum, Eh??? Tulsi? Wha? Holy Basil....oh so you cook with it..

We do this! We find something that we don't understand and try desperately to make it fit into something that we do understand. If this is not accomplished easily then we move on to those things that are easy. We buy a smaller cell phone, a faster computer, we go to school for subjects that can only be done by someone with an emphasis is that subject on a molecular level! We learn more and more about less and less until one day we will know everything about nothing. Sure, one day you will be able to major in nothing, you will be set into a cubical and told to face a computer screen that reals by meaningless figures and "facts" about.....oh wait, this has already happened.

What happened? How did we get here? What are we searching for now? Why one day did we wake up and realize that our job is essentially meaningless, I will not speak for every person in this world. There is a marked percentage of the population that has been hoodwinked into thinking that what they are "accomplishing" is in fact exactly what they should be accomplishing with their life.

I Beg to Differ. Ayurveda begs to differ, the Chinese language begs to differ. A developing baby begs to differ, our inner knowing is screaming out to us, demanding to differ! But we have pacified that little...."knowing" in everyone of us with sugar and fluoride. We have participated in a global schemed ponzy scheme.
